When I first started on the path towards personal and professional growth and fulfillment, I didn’t realize the uncharted territory I would be navigating. All I knew at the time was I felt “stuck” … unfulfilled … unsure of what I should do next.
It felt like something was missing in my daily life – call it passion, aliveness, fulfillment, purpose. I didn’t know what to call it back then, I just knew I was tired of juggling the never-ending workload, family responsibilities as a mom of three, and list of “shoulds” I had growing in the back of my mind.
“I should really go for a run. I should lose 10 pounds. I should volunteer for something. I should ask for more responsibility at work so maybe I’ll get noticed for that promotion. I should spend more quality time with the kids. I should make healthier meals, so they grow up to be healthier …”
Sound familiar?
However, one day, I’d had enough. I took the first step onto a path that brought me to where I am today. Along the way, I’ve learned that the cookie-cutter career advice, SMART goals, and the elusive “work/life balance” would never work for me. I had to craft my own narrative that aligned with my unique aspirations, values, and multifaceted reality that I faced in my life.
I’m still that busy mom that wants to make healthy meals for her kids and enjoy quality time with them. I am still that busy professional that now has shifted into being an ambitious entrepreneur so that I can craft my daily schedule the way that works for me. I am still that community volunteer that enjoys serving others in any way that I can.
However, I’ve since learned that my success doesn’t involve ticking off SMART goals, working up the company ladder, or even becoming that stay-at-home mom that looks like she has it all together. Instead, I’ve found a rhythm that harmonizes the various aspects of my life – my work/life harmony.
Why is Work/Life Harmony important?
Based on a study by Benefits Canada in 2022, nearly half of working parents don’t feel like they are ever “off work” with 44 percent working overtime, leading to an imbalance in their family and work lives. Even with the ability to work from home, 42 percent said their stress levels are higher.
An infographic about work-life balance on Entrepreneur.com states that 33 percent of employees in the US work on weekends and/or holidays. They also reported that 40 percent of US employees felt it was reasonable to answer email at the dinner table.
No wonder work/life balance has become such a buzz word in the corporate world.
Through my Work-Life Management for Busy Professionals coaching program, I’ve seen a common theme among my clients. As I tell them, we need to get rid of the term “work/life balance” and instead focus on work/life integration or harmony. Work and personal lives are not separate buckets that we need to focus on in different ways. Each will influence the other, no matter how hard one may try to compartmentalize them.
With all that I’ve learned in my journey to work/life harmony, I want to share what has worked for me with others through this new blog and video series – “Journey to Work/Life Mastery”.
Introducing the Journey to Work/Life Mastery Series
I’ll be sharing some of my favorite tips and strategies for:
Finding career clarity and vision
Discovering your priorities and strengths
Navigating your journey to work/life harmony
Defining goals and plans that work for your unique aspirations
If you are ready to unlock your full potential in your career and personal lives, join me on this journey! We will explore the nuance of goal setting, career development, and work/life integration. If you are not a working parent like me, don’t worry! These strategies are adaptable to your own situation.
Remember, success isn’t a destination. The journey is where the fun and fulfillment lie. Embrace progress, not perfection as you shape your own personal path.
How will your journey unfold?
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